Category: BigCommerce

  • How to Edit Homepage Carousel in BigCommerce?

    How to Edit Homepage Carousel in BigCommerce?

    A BigCommerce homepage carousel has a slider format with a series of images to convey a lot of information in a single post. The slider can contain various types of images, videos, animations, etc. the facility allows visitors to slide the pictures forward and backward.  Benefits of Carousel for Bigcommerce HomePage Convey a lot of…

  • 7 Helpful ideas to improve your BigCommerce SEO 

    7 Helpful ideas to improve your BigCommerce SEO 

    BigCommerce BigCommerce is one of the fastest-growing eCommerce platforms in the industry. The platform has more than 90,000 online stores spread across 120 countries worldwide. It lets business owners create and fully customize their online store as per their business requirements. Being suitable for large businesses, the platform is easily understandable and user-friendly for even…

  • Tips for building a great design on BigCommerce

    Tips for building a great design on BigCommerce

    With the growing number of eCommerce stores, the number of eCommerce platforms has also grown exponentially. Out of them, BigCommerce stands out in the competition due to its exceptional features, and accommodation of every minute functionality to boost your conversions. Bigcommerce web design can provide a competitive and marketing edge to your business.  As you…

  • Benefits of choosing BigCommerce as your eCommerce platform

    Benefits of choosing BigCommerce as your eCommerce platform

    As per the statistics, by 2040, about 95% of all purchases will happen through eCommerce.  There are over 26 million eCommerce websites in the world. With the astonishing growth rate of eCommerce stores, the platforms that let you create eCommerce sites have also increased. As a business owner, If you are willing to start your…